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Oracle Analytics 6.3: What's new?

Just a few night ago our Oracle Analytics instances have been upgraded to the latest version 6.3. In general 6.3 doesn't contain major new features, however there are still some worth mentioning.

Workbooks instead of Projects

The one that is the most obvious is that we are no longer creating Projects in Data Visualisation, but we work with Workbooks

Developer Reference

During the development process, if you wanted to observe and analyse performance of reports and analyses, you had to navigate to Console and search for your report performance under Session and Query Cache.

This is no longer necessary in 6.3. Developers can now review performance statistics for visualisation components right in the Visualize canvas. 

You can now analyse statistics such as query time, server time and streaming time for all visualisation components in workbook.

Calculate and display Lift and Gain for predictive models

Another interesting new feature is an option to evaluate and visualise machine learning models using Lift and Gain. You can assess quality of specific machine learning models simply by plotting lift and gain charts in Oracle Analytics.