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Semantic Modeler Series: Introduction

Oracle BI Administration Tool Metadata management used to be one of the key strengths of Oracle Business Intelligence. Using BI Administration Tool developers were able to design and implement enterprise data models that were sitting on top of data warehouse data schemas. OBIEE developer designs and develops a metadata model, a repository, using BI Administration Tool, which results in a RPD file. This binary file is then deployed on BI Server. BI Server is a component of Oracle Business Intelligence architecture and is responsible for processing user requests and data queries against underlying data sources. BI Server uses metadata information from repository to perform the following two tasks: use logical SQL query and tranform it into corresponding query (ie. SQL, MDX), depending on the underlying data source (ie. Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Essbase, ...) transform and combine physical datasets retrieved and perform required calculations. Typical metadat
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Embedding Oracle Analytics Data Visualization in APEX application

In one of my recent projects, the customer had a requirement to integrate visualizations from Oracle Analytics into Oracle APEX application that is running within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It is not my prime focus, the integrations, so I checked Oracle's documentation first. There is no "cook book" in there, so I looked it up for some good resources on the internet. Actually, you can find quite a lot of content out there, from blog posts, articles, even videos, however most of these are a bit old (not exactly obsolete) as both products have developed rapidly over the last couple of years. But still, I found some really good ones that I was able to help myself with. For example Mike Durran's blog is usually the ultimate go-to source for these kind of things, and you can find quite a lot of content on this subject there. For example, you definitely want to check his article A Guide to Embedding Oracle Analytics into Oracle APEX . In this blog post, I will try t

My presentations @ MakeIT 2024 (SIOUG)

As usual, I was presenting at this year's MakeIT conference  that took place in Portorož, Slovenia, between 29th May and 31st May. This time I presented two of my latest presentations: Extending Oracle Analytics Machine Learning Capabilities with OCI Services and Talking to Oracle Database in plain English … and in Slovenian! Extending Oracle Analytics Machine Learning Capabilities with OCI Services   This presentation discusses and illustrates options users have when using Machine Learning with Oracle Analytics. Oracle Analytics comes with built-in capabilities that are easy to use and to implement even by end-users who normally would not have deep machine learning knowledge and experience. However, Oracle Analytics supports inclusion of more sophisticated machine learning solutions, models, which can be developed using Oracle Machine Learning (OML), OCI Data Science and OCI AI Services such as Vision, Language or Document Understanding. Presentation is primarily focusing on examp

Talking to Oracle Database, this time in plain Slovenian

In my previous blog post, Talking to Oracle Database in plain English I am discussing how to query Oracle Database using natural language queries to retrieve data from an Oracle database. From my quick exploration, I can conclude that AI has definitely entered databases and can be applied in very different scenarios. For example, using SELECT AI in chat application where data can be retrieved and presented from Oracle Database by applying natural language query. But that was in plain English. But what about if my primary natural language isn't English. What if your (and, for this matter also mine) isn't English. What if it is Slovenian? Would SELECT AI still work? Let's examine the very same examples that I used in my previous blog post. Let's talk now ... "po slovensko" (Slovenian) Enough said. Let's try the simplest query of all and let's ask my database what is the total revenue recorded. In Slovenian, the question  what is total revenue tra