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Using Oracle ADW machine learning models in Oracle Analytics (part 2)

In the 1st part of this blog we have discussed how to create a regression model for numeric prediction of housing prices. I have posted similar post Housing Price Prediction in Oracle Data Visualization, describing how to predict house pricing with machine learning algorithms and data flows available in Oracle Analytics.

Register ML model from ADW in Oracle Analytics 

Let’s switch to Oracle Analytics now. We need release 5.7 and higher to register and use ML model from ADW.

The first step which we need to do is to register ML model from ADW with Oracle Analytics. 

If there is no database connection, setup this first from the Create Connection menu from Home Page.

Navigate to Machine Learning and then from actions menu (top right corner) select Register ML Model:

If no connection is available, choose Create Connection. We have created our connection in the step before, therefore the list of connections is displayed. Choose the connection ...

... and then choose ML model to register.

Click on model name and click Register. Model details are shown. 

Click Register once more. 

Model now appears in the list of Machine Learning models in Oracle Analytics:


And finally, apply ML model from ADW in OAC

You can apply ML model using Data Flows. So let’s create one. 

We need to start with TEST dataset. This dataset has also been created in my database schema which contains ML model. 

The second step in data flow is Apply Model:

Observe that output and input parameters have been read from the ML model:


As the last step, we need to save predicted dataset.


And run data flow, check the results by creating a new project with the HOUSING_PREDICTED dataset we just created.

This concludes our tutorial on how to use machine learning model created in Oracle ADW with Oracle Analytics.